Vitiligo cure in Cuba. Melagenina Plus Unique against Vitiligo in Adults and Children
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Vitiligo or Leukoderma is a skin disease characterized by the loss of the melanic pigment producing cells on the skin, that is the loss of melanocytes. Therefore, the patient has acromic areas or white spots where the absence of these cells is noticed on practicing a biopsy. The patient progressively loses the skin color and smooth white patches appear on the face, extremities and genital region. Most of the persons show first depigmentation in hands and later on the face that grow slowly and expand throughout the body. The person looks like an albin: absence of pigment on the body skin, eyebrows, eyelashes and hair. The disease is located only on the skin, due to the absence of a cell: the melanocyte, the rest of cells that conform skin do not disappear or alter, only the cell that produces the pigment and since the pigment is the one that stains the skin, there is no color.
Vitiligo occurs when the body is triggered to look at melanocytes, cells which give color to the skin, as foreign or abnormal. With vitiligo, the body's own immune system starts attacking those cells, which is why it's considered an autoimmune disease. Genome-wide association analyses carried out in the USA identify 13 new susceptibility loci for generalized vitiligo. Most vitiligo susceptibility loci encode immunoregulatory proteins or melanocyte components that likely mediate immune targeting and the relationships among vitiligo, melanoma, and eye, skin and hair coloration.
Many treatments are available to help restore skin color or even out skin tone. Traditional treatments include phototherapy, requiring different types of machines to shine ultraviolet light on the whole body, localized areas, or the hands and feet. Some clinics also use excimer laser to treat smaller lesions. Results vary and are unpredictable. Some treatments have serious side effects. So your doctor may suggest that you first try improving the appearance of your skin by applying self-tanning products or makeup.
If you and your doctor decide to treat your condition with oxsoralen (melanocyl), psoralen, topical corticosteroids, combined medication and light therapy or grafting surgery to return color to your skin, the process may take many months to judge its effectiveness. And you may have to try more than one approach before you find the treatment that works best for you.
Because of US estrangement from Cuba, most vitiligo patients may be unaware that its biotech industry is among the most advanced in the global world. One of its most prominent R+D breakthrough is a medication called Melagenina Plus, which has already CURED millions vitiligo patients in 158 countries. Results on safety and effectiveness have been published in a number of international journals of medicine documenting forty years of clinical experience. A unique Cuban treatment for skin disease is luring thousands of patients to Havana Centre of Placental Histotherapy. Where a Cuban doctor, Carlos Miyares Cao, pioneered the use of "melagenina" ointment to treat the loss of pigmentation. He began developing the treatment with melagenina--a placental extract in alcohol solution--in 1973 and began using it on a large scale in 1985. In 80% of the cases the treatment is successful. Patients come from as far away as Australia and India.
Information about the treatment of vitiligo developed in the Vitiligo Center. For admission to this therapy it is necessary to have a consultation in the Center and stay at least 3 days in Cuba. The consultations are carried out Mondays to Fridays of every week in the schedule of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm with a charge of 120.00 C.U.C. If you do not bring with you the result of a skin biopsy, you can receive this test in our Center with a charge of 150.00 C.U.C. The training sessions in the medical treatment procedure have the price of 40.00 C.U.C. each (3 sessions). This is an outpatient service, so that you can stay in the most convenient hotels in the capital. It is not necessary to get a previously reservation of the consultation, because the patients are attended in arrival order in the medical services of the Placental Histotherapy Center situated on 18th street No. 4302 corner at 43. Miramar, Playa, Havana, Cuba. To continue the therapy in your country the specialist will indicate, in consultation, the necessary amount of medication you should take with you according to the extension of the body surface affected by the disease. The price of a Melagenina Plus flask (235 ml) is 36.00 C.U.C. NOTE: The drug Melagenina Plus is not sold freely.
First you should have your consultation and treatment sessions and then the drug is prescribed accordingly.
Melagenina + Calcium Chloride is an alcoholic extract of human placenta, a pharmacological product that has the property to increase the reproduction of melanocytes in the borders or inside the acronic areas of the sick persons, as well as to acelerate the process of production of melanin, that is why it has become a successful therapy for Vitiligo. DOSAGE Shake the flask to homogenize the contents. Rub lotion with finger tips over depigmented skin areas once a day, every 24 hours. Exposure to sunlight or infrared radiation is not required. OBSERVATIONS If treatment is properly carried out, within 3 to 7 days a reddening on depigmented area is observed followed by a gradual opacification and repigmentation of this area.
Take note of new prices for Centre's pharmaceuticals:
Producto |
Precio (CUC) |
Melagenina Plus 235 ml (exp) |
36.00 |
Champú Piloactivo 200 ml |
5.10 |
Loción Piloactiva 200 ml |
13.35 |
Coriodermina 250 g (exp) (store at 2-8 C) |
33.30 |
Gel Hidratante (exp) |
21.00 |
Gel Fotoprotector 200 ml |
12.00 |
Crema Humectante 200 ml |
12.00 |
Biofortalecedor |
3.30 |
Crema Dermotrófica |
30.00 |
Crema de Colágeno |
19.95 |
Gel Bioactivante |
13.35 |

Melagenina Plus Application
MELAGENINA PLUS Lotion can be applied without risk over mucuos surfaces. Do not rub it so as to avoid irritation. MELAGENINA PLUS is repigmenting action is selective as it does not act on normal skin areas. Dark skin repigments faster than light complexions. MELAGENINA PLUS exerts its action on the basal layer of the epidermis through transcutaneous absorption in the site of application. Skin repigmentation in vitiligo cases is irreversible.
Treatment with MELAGENINA PLUS is innocuous. It may be applied to both children and adults, including the elderly and to women during pregnancy or menstruation. It is compatible with any type of food or beverage, as well as with other groups of drugs except psoralens, cytostatics and corticosteroids. MELAGENINA PLUS has no harmful local or systemic side effect.
WARNING At the beginning of treatment, new achromatic areas appear, or the size of existing areas increases in 40 percent of the patients. This effect is transient and has no effect on prognosis. PRESENTATION 235 ml amber glass flask COMPOSITION Human placental lipoprotein fraction solubilized in 235 ml of alcohol (90 degrees) and CaCl2.
All you may need to arrange a trip to treat vitiligo in Cuba on your own you can find on this website. Melagenina Plus is never an over-the-counter medication in most countries. However sometimes it can be found online. If not out of stock. Like here:
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WHETHER unsightly marks or larger vitiligo areas are your concern, concealers are a true beauty hero when it comes to hiding all manner of imperfections. However simple cover or foundation make up you buy at the local pharmacy or big box store isn't going to work, so don't waste your time and money buying these products with the idea that they will. Concealers from illuminating formulas designed to cover a spot or two, like that unwanted zit, won't work either to cover larger problem areas of the skin. Are there heavy-duty concealers manufacturers beyond five big names in vitiligo cosmetics?
Yes, there are. Most products known as concealers are in fact Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) based sunless tanning or self-tanning lotions that contain this FDA approved color additive that, when applied to the skin, imparts a brownish color similar to a sun tan. Commercial preparations typically contain between 3 and 5 percent DHA, a sugar molecule that bronzes the very top layer of the skin. The browning effect occurs within a few hours. The effect is temporary — the color fades in 7-10 days as the skin naturally sloughs off.